Lawyer Family Dispute Resolution
Lawyer FDRP Panel
A select panel of dual-qualified Victorian family lawyer dispute resolution practitioners providing high-level family dispute resolution services across Australia and internationally

About Us
Each practitioner on the Lawyer FDRP Panel has at least 15 years of combined experience as a family lawyer and a family dispute resolution practitioner. Each of them brings to the family dispute resolution process the highest capacity and commitment to supporting parties to achieve an agreed resolution of their parenting, property and financial settlement issues.
FDR is suitable for parties wishing to avoid court proceedings or who are already involved in proceedings but are open to exploring the option of an 'out of court' resolution.
Referrals can be made by the parties, their lawyers, or by court order.
Parties may choose to have a legal representative present during FDR (and if they choose not to do so, it is highly recommended that they obtain expert family law advice before commencing FDR).
Conferences are arranged in a manner which address any safety concerns.
We look forward to working with you to resolve your family law dispute efficiently and effectively.
Helpful Information
Is FDR The Best Dispute Resolution Option For Me?
Participation in FDR is voluntary. A party may withdraw from FDR at any time.
FDR supports parties to retain (or regain, if already in court proceedings) control of their family law dispute.
It enables parties to communicate and exchange settlement proposals in an effective and safe environment. Concerns about your emotional or physical safety will be addressed.
The practitioner's role is not to judge or make decisions about the issues in dispute.
The practitioner's role is to facilitate a process which promotes the parties’ capacity for self-determination during FDR.
FDR is considerably less expensive than court proceedings, and outcomes are achieved more quickly. It is also less stressful than going to court.
Family Dispute Resolution
Areas covered
Marriage Relationships
De Facto Relationships
LGBTIQA+ Relationships
Family Separation
Post Separation Parenting Arrangements
Specific Child Related Issues
Communication Strategies
Blended Families
Grandparents & Extended Families
Property Settlements
Financial Arrangements
Child Support
Spousal Maintenance
Cases Involving High Conflict
Cases Involving Family Violence Orders
Legally Assisted
Non-Legally Assisted
Child Inclusive Practice
Parenting Plans
Court Orders by Consent
Binding Financial Agreements
Referral During Family Law Court Proceedings
Service Delivery
Video Conferencing
Shuttle (separate rooms)
Blended - video and telephone
As agreed with your practitioner
How Does FDR Work?
Practitioners conduct FDR according to their individual practice. We invite you to make direct contact with the practitioner of your choice to discuss their particular approach to ensure the best 'fit'.
There are Two Stages to FDR.
Stage One - Intake & Assessment
Each party is invited to attend an individual intake session of approximately 60 minutes with the practitioner of their choice.
The practitioner will provide a detailed explanation of the FDR process.
Each party is invited to discuss the issues in dispute from their particular point of view.
Gaps in information and further preparation needed for FDR are identified. Any additional information necessary to assess the appropriateness of FDR is considered.
The parties are invited to confirm their consent to proceed to Stage 2, the actual FDR confidential mediation session, with the final decision to be made by the practitioner.
Stage Two - Family Dispute Resolution Session
Sessions are held with the parties together (joint session) or separately (shuttle session).
All discussions and notes taken during Stage 2 are confidential and inadmissible in any court proceeding. Confidentiality provides parties with the security and confidence necessary to discuss and consider options without fear that something they say may-be 'used against them' in court.
There are three potential outcomes to Stage 2 (a) agreement is reached in full (b) no agreement is reached (c) some things are agreed, and some are not.
A summary of the agreement reached will be provided by the practitioner, to be formalised by the parties' (and their lawyers) as a parenting plan, court order by consent or binding financial agreement.
Each practitioner is authorised by the Attorney-General to issue a certificate under section 60I of the Family Law Act permitting the parties to commence parenting proceedings in the Family Law courts.
Meet Our Lawyer FDRP Panel Members
Each of our practitioners is an experienced expert lawyer and FDRP